Huntley IL Chiropractor
Chiropractor for Huntley (IL)
If you reside in Huntley (IL) and you’re visiting our page, perhaps you or someone close to you experiences symptoms such as
- chronic headaches
- neck or low back pain
- muscle and joint pain and stiffness
- lingering pain from an accident or sports injury
ChiroPlus Family Health & Wellness provides specialized chiropractic and rehabilitative service for Huntley patients. We support you or your family member in achieving pain relief and a restored sense of health through all-natural chiropractic therapies and adjustments.
Together, we develop a plan for returning to a comfortably mobile, active lifestyle. Studies indicate that partnering with a chiropractor also can boost the immune system by supporting the body’s ability to recover from illness and injury.
Chiropractor for Huntley (IL): Our Focus
The primary aim at ChiroPlus is improving patients’ quality of life through education and personalized chiropractic care and rehabilitation. We help patients achieve the body’s full potential by removing restrictions to the spine and restoring body function.
Our chiropractor serving Huntley, Dr. Ryan, is trained in treatment techniques that adapt to the specific patient to attain optimal results. Each hands-on, all-natural application supports accurate evaluation of the position of the misaligned segments and the proper force and line of drive to apply.
- Headaches. A tension (stress) headache creates dull pain on one or both sides around the temples and behind the eyes. This can often cause discomfort up to the top of the head as well as down to the jaw. These symptoms can often be due to misaligned vertebrae.
- Back pain. This is perhaps the most common ailment that our chiropractor for Huntley addresses. In addition to an examination for the core cause of the pain, chiropractic manipulation often helps provide some immediate relief to conditions such as back pain, posture problems, localized pain and even complex circumstances such as arthritis, disc bulging and fibromyalgia.
- Neck pain. The neck (the cervical spine) contains seven small vertebrae called cervical vertebrae. The cervical spine is the first region of the spinal column that begins right below the skull and ends at the first thoracic vertebra. Repetitive microtraumas, abnormal postures, the aging process, accidents and injuries can damage the cervical spine, causing pain, tension and immobility.
- Scoliosis. A sideways curvature of the spine, scoliosis is often diagnosed in adolescents and is becoming more evident in adults. Any sustained altered spine position can stress the spine posture enough to produce a scoliosis. Chiropractic care can help correct the curves by increasing segments’ mobility while also correcting the misalignments above and below the curvatures.
- Accidents/Injuries. Almost one-third of car accident–injury victims seek a chiropractor to treat them. Most car accidents involve soft-tissue injuries of the spine and neck. If you have back or neck pain after being in a car accident, you could have a spinal or whiplash injury, which will cause pain, soreness and stiffness. Our chiropractor for Huntley can help eliminate pain, tension and inflammation safely and without drugs.
Chiropractor for Huntley (IL): First Visit
Your first step toward pain relief as a Huntley patient is contacting our office and letting us know how we might address discomfort and pain relief for:
- pediatric care
- pregnancy care
- family care
- sports injuries
When you arrive for your first scheduled visit, you or your family member will be greeted by a chiropractor assistant and then meet with Dr. Ryan. Next, you’ll complete the initial intake paperwork. This will be followed by an office tour to show you the pain-treatment options we offer.
Dr. Ryan will review your health history with you and perform a musculoskeletal exam, including x-rays if needed. The diagnosis will mainly involve what’s known as motion and static palpation, where the chiropractor touches the affected area and feels the state of the joints to define the condition requiring treatment.
Palpation of the spine and the surrounding structures allows the chiropractor to localize and identify the cause of the pain concerns. By assessing the state of the joints, muscles and ligaments, the chiropractor can determine diagnosis and the best course of care.
You and your chiropractor for Huntley also will discuss your exam and any x-ray results. The insight gained during your first visit will set the foundation for your personal plan toward healing and greater mobility.
Chiropractor for Huntley (IL): Contact Us Today
Patients from Huntley (IL) with chronic headaches and pain can take a long stride toward improving quality of life with education and chiropractic care and rehabilitation through ChiroPlus. To ask questions and further discuss any pain concerns you have, contact us at (847) 683-0077. You also can complete our contact form.